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Inspired by a discussion I had with former co-workers, I wanted to write an article about why serverless might be the future for most applications and why serverless has the edge over traditional backends.

It’s not that I want to say that it’s the best choice in every situation. I believe that it has the chance to become the default, but I don’t think that it will replace any other architecture.

This article talks about typical small business applications that do a specific job. I assume that the application in question does not have a massively scalable scenario, yet should be able to grow with the audience and its usage.

Let’s jump into seven reasons why you should care about serverless and how it might help you create better applications.

Focus on your business logic

The first reason is apparent. If you don’t have to write infrastructural code like starting an app, initializing resources, setting up database connections and dependency injection containers, you’re able to focus on what matters to your customers.

Serverless solutions like Microsoft Azure care about the infrastructure you need to make your code run. You can write your business logic like creating a user or loading data from a database without worrying about the infrastructure.

Respect the stateless model

Every call to an Azure Function or an AWS Lambda implementation is stateless by default, which means that you cannot share information between multiple calls.

What seems to be a limitation at first is a strength when you think about it more deeply. When you’re forced to write your business logic in a stateless way, you build a foundation to scale your application.

Also, stateless functions are easier to understand, to refactor, and to extend. Simplicity has never been wrong when it comes to software development.

Independent scalabilty

In a scenario with a traditional ASP.NET (Core) WebAPI project where you have multiple controllers using infrastructure classes or database providers, you’ll have a hard time to split the project into different pieces to make them scalable independently.

Sure, you can always scale up the entire application, but that comes with other difficulties and is more expensive.

When you write your backend using Azure Functions, you’ll have a bunch of loosely coupled functions that will execute whenever they receive a call from your application. You don’t have to worry if Function A is called more frequently than Function B.

Save some money

The Microsoft Azure Functions platform takes care of your functions, executes them when requested, and charges only the resource consumption that happened.

When you run a traditional Web app, you have to choose a pricing plan, and you’ll have to pay whatever resources are included. It does not matter if you had a low, medium, or high load on the server/application.

Do not limit yourself

Azure Functions can be implemented in different programming languages, including C#, F#, JavaScript, Java, Python, TypeScript, and PowerShell.

C# developers might want to implement most functions in C#. But hey also have the option to write a specific function in JavaScript. It’s especially helpful when a specific framework is only available in a particular programming language.

When you create a tradition ASP.NET (Core) backend or a Node backend, you limit yourself to a specific programming language, which is not the case if you use Azure Functions.

Activate different triggers

Traditional backends are usually called sending an HTTP(s) request. That’s fine for most use cases. But, in modern cloud-based applications, there are other options too.

If you decide to build an application based on the Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS), you might have a data store or other cloud-specific resource that interact or communicate with your application.

Let’s say you have an application running on Microsoft Azure. You might have an MSSQL database or maybe even an Azure Cosmos DB, or a simple BLOB storage.

Those Azure services and many others offer connectors that can trigger a function when an event occurred. For example, if Function A writes a new user to the database, the database can call Function B if the user has been added.

There are many more scenarios where different resources within Microsoft Azure can call an Azure Function.

Vendor lock-in

It’s more a disadvantage than an advantage, but vendor lock-in is another reason why serverless will become more popular. Microsoft, Amazon, and Google what to lock their customers into their Cloud platform by providing the best possible service to their customers and also by making it hard to switch between the providers.

In my opinion, serverless services like Azure Functions or AWS Lambda will always be competitively priced, because all providers what to run your code.

What you can make to reduce vendor-lock-in is to use as few platform specific things as possible. As pure as your functions are (pure in the sense of as few platform-specific code as possible) the simpler it would be to change from platform A to platform B.

The question is if there will be a scenario where you want to move your application from Cloud provider A to provider B without changing the app at all.


Claudio Bernasconi

I'm an enthusiastic Software Engineer with a passion for teaching .NET development on YouTube, writing articles about my journey on my blog, and making people smile.